Service Charge, Selling, Sub-Letting, Refurbishing
What are the service charge arrangements?
All flat owners pay a twice-yearly sum in advance towards the maintenance of the building. You will be sent an invoice from the managing agent informing you how much you need to pay. We ask that flat owners pay their service charges promptly on demand so that maintenance cannot be interrupted. Should you want to pay by monthly direct debit, please contact HML direct.
We use the service charge monies for maintenance expenditure which includes: heating, electricity, water, cleaning, professional fees and staff salaries.
Late payment may be met with legal action and, under the lease, you will be liable for all associated legal costs.
What are the restrictions on flat usage?
Flats may not be used for any purpose other than as a private residence; its use for the purpose of any profession, business or trade is precluded in the lease.
What should I do if I want to sub-let?
Although sub-letting is permitted, it is a condition of your lease to inform the Freeholders, via their managing agents (HML) if leaseholders sublet their flat. They should advise the name of the letting agent (if relevant), the name of the tenant, and the length of the sub-let agreement. This information should be updated with each change of tenant.
Tenants and others using the flat should know the basic elements of how the block functions, and the terms of Schedule 8 of the lease, which should form part of any letting agreement.
Letting any flat in Addison House for periods of less than 90 days contravenes Westminster Council regulations; such lettings have to be reported to the Council, who do take follow up action.
What should I do when I sell my flat?
When a flat is sold, the lease has to be assigned to the new leaseholder who must sign a Deed of Covenant agreeing to its terms. The managing agents are to be informed of the change of ownership.
Leaseholders are the shareholders of the Company. On selling their flat, they must send a stock transfer certificate to the Company’s registered address, transferring the shareholder interest to the new lessee. Please ensure that your conveyancer does this.
What about moving?
Removals can be made Monday – Friday 0800 – 1700. Please speak with the Building Manager to arrange this in advance. Please do not cause an obstruction to the communal hallways, stairs or the lift. If you leave any items unattended then this is at your own risk.
What if I want to make alterations to my flat?
If you wish to make any physical alterations to your flat, including changing windows or external doors, you must apply, in the first instance, to the managing agents, HML.
Works of a structural nature, or change of use of existing rooms, will need planning permission to ensure they meet the local authority’s conservation area and building regulations, and then an Alterations Licence, issued by the Company’s Solicitors. The applicant leaseholder will be responsible for the professional fees of both the Company’s Solicitors and Surveyor, who will vet any application on behalf of the Company. A security deposit against any damage caused to the common parts will also be required.
Other work, such as redecorating, or the installation of new kitchen units my still require permission in which case you should always contact the managing agent for advise.
When may building work be undertaken?
Working hours for building and decorating in the flats are restricted to 8.00am to 5.00pm weekdays and 8.00am to 2.00 pm on Saturdays. No work involving noise or disturnce to adjoining flats may commence before 9.00am and no work may be undertaken on Saturday afternoons, Sundays or national holidays.
What about employing contractors?
Contractors in your employ and persons making deliveries must protect the floors and walls of the common parts properly. Heavy materials or equipment (sacks of rubble, baths, etc) should not be loaded into the lift. Special padded protectors are available from the Caretaker.
Before work commences, please consult the House Mnager who will explain the rules and requirements of contractors working in the block. Similarly, please tell your contractors to report to the Building Manager on first arrival. We want to make Addison House a safe place to work and the Porter will need to go through some health and safety procedures with your contractors.
Some work for which contractors attend the block can be noisy or disruptive to your neighbours. We ask you to exercise your utmost consideration in this respect. Ultimately, you are responsible for the conduct of your contractors whilst on the premises including any repair costs. If your contractors do not comply with our rules for working in the block they will be asked to leave.